Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Writing #1 My father is an important person in my life

The most important person in the world is my father, David. His wife, Mary, got cancer and passed away three years ago, so he had only two sons in his familiy.

First, he worked hard everyday in my childhood. He made much money to support our house, and made our life better. In addition, we went fishing together during our free time on the weekend. I waited and waited, but there wasn’t any fish. When I gave up, he said, ’’ If you want to succeed, you will need more patience for your aim.’’ When I was ten years old, my dad bought me a puppy as a birthday present. I named her Nancy. He taught me how to take care of her, so I needed a caring heart. The major reason that I admire my father, is that he always guide me to the right thought when I was confused. If I failed, he was always there to cheer me up. He is not only my father, but also my mother.

That's why I will always keep his words in my mind.

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