Thursday, February 28, 2008

Writing #5 How Can You Use the Skype

Although the process for using the Skype to talk to your friends is convenient, it is important to follow each step. The first step is to go to the computer store that to buy a desk computer or laptop and a microphone. Next, you call the phone company, and tell that them you want to the network in your home. They will go to your house and help you to build up your network. Also, to use the network download the Skype software on the After you install this, you prepay your money on the web. When you finish the steps, you can try to call your friend using the Skype account, by local phone or cell phone. It is cheaper than cell phone how much it costs from the Skype system to what kind of systems they are. It is free from Skype system to Skype system, and it costs less than 10 cents for 1minute from the Skype system to a local phone or cell phone. In my opinion, the Skype is easy to use and saving money.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Timed Writing #1 - Chinese

Chinese is very important language on the earth, and it's my native languauage.
First of all, it's very popular for people. More than two billion people speak everyday because China is the largest country in the world. In addition, a lot of people want to learn Chinese. They have several kinds of companies in China, so they should communicate with his China's rival. Also China has huge business market, and people make money from here. Morever, I am proud that Chinese is my native language. It's easy for me to vist anywhere in China. Finally, foreign people consider the Chinese to be the most difficlt language in the world. I am very lucky to speak Chinese in my country.
In my opinion, any language is important for people to communicate, especially Chinese.

Timed Writing #2 - My Mother

My mother, Rose, played a very important role in my life for several reasons, but she died three years ago. She was helpful and kind to everyone. She was a bookstore boss, so my house was always opened in the daytime. The neighbors worked in the outside, but nobody received their mails. My mother always helped them, and sometimes took care of their children. Also, if I had any questions in my situation, she helped me to solve them. When I didn’t like to go to school in my junior high school, she told to me if you want to get a lot of knowledge, you must study with the teachers in the school. However, you made many friends from school. In this time, it was true, because I had a lot of the best friends during that time. The major reason that I admire my mother is that she always guided me to the right thought when I was confused. If I failed at anytime, she was always there to cheer me up. Even though she died three years ago, she is always alive in my mind.

Writing #4 Deoxyibonucleic Acid (DNA)

According to The Wikipedia Website, Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. DNA, which was discovered by the Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher in 1869, plays an important role in the world. DNA determines physical characteristics and proves the paternity of a child. For example, both X and Y genes are DNA that determines gender which means who is male or female. Also, some of others control human hair color, eye color, skin color, and other traits. If your child got lost 10 or 20 years ago in the foreign, how should you look for and identify your child? You should bioassay DNA from yourself and your child. When DNA is 99.99% similar, that proves the paternity of a child. In 1997, the Cloning Dolly that made a copy of DNA technology was born, so it affects our biological conditions. We should use this technique to cure a lot of diseases, and maybe we won’t die on the earth. In conclusion, the most important discovery in the 21 century is DNA.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Writing #3 Taipei 101 Skyscraper

Taipei 101 skyscraper, built in 2003 and located in Taiwan, is the tallest building in the world. The outdoor observation deck is the highest in the world. It is expected to be surpassed by the outdoor deck in the Shanghai World Financial Center. The 89th floor holds an indoor observation area, and an outdoor observation deck is located on the 91st floor. It is always an extraordinarily bright building every night, especially on New Year’s Eve. Because lots of firework shoot from the building to the sky, it looks like blooming flowers in the picture. The design is inspired by traditional Chinese architecture, with a shape resembling a pagoda. The sectioned tower is also inspired by the bamboo plant, which is a model of strength, resilience, and elegance. Most aspects of the design, layout and planning were reviewed and approved by a Feng Shui master. He said ‘’ It is not only the most beautiful building in Taiwan, but also in the world.’’ I am proud of Taipei 101 in my country.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Writing # 2 The Cell Phone

The most important technology in the world is the cell phone. Everyone needs the cell phone in their daily lives. People use the cell phone to send messages or communicate with their friends around the world.

In 1973 Martin Cooper invented the first cell phone. Naturally, he had the honor of making the world's first cell phone call. From a New York city sidewalk, Cooper called his rival at Bell Laboratories and said, "Joe, I'm calling you from a real portable cellular telephone." It weighed two pounds! Because they were so big and expensive, at first cell phones were only used by the military and businesses. At the present cell phones, thin and light, are convenient to everyone put in the pocket. Moreover, they are cheap enough to appeal to the average consumer.

The cell phone has many benefits. First of all, it has brought us to the world village. It’s more convenient than before to communicate with your friends with it. You visit your friend in the country, even if you get lost or break your car. You should call your friend and tell him what happened to you. He will find where are you and help you to solve your problems. The iPhone, however, is a multi-function device for everyone. It combines camera and notebook, so you shouldn't carry a lot of things in your package. In addition, the cell phone is used by everyone to call someone who would deal with all kinds of complicated situations.

I must said that the cell phone has now become the most useful and powerful tool in the world; we can’t live without the cell phone.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Writing #1 My father is an important person in my life

The most important person in the world is my father, David. His wife, Mary, got cancer and passed away three years ago, so he had only two sons in his familiy.

First, he worked hard everyday in my childhood. He made much money to support our house, and made our life better. In addition, we went fishing together during our free time on the weekend. I waited and waited, but there wasn’t any fish. When I gave up, he said, ’’ If you want to succeed, you will need more patience for your aim.’’ When I was ten years old, my dad bought me a puppy as a birthday present. I named her Nancy. He taught me how to take care of her, so I needed a caring heart. The major reason that I admire my father, is that he always guide me to the right thought when I was confused. If I failed, he was always there to cheer me up. He is not only my father, but also my mother.

That's why I will always keep his words in my mind.